Alright, I will be honest..this is more of a rant on some of my biggest pet peeves. I got to thinking, "If these people weren't being lazy b's than they may lose some weight." Here's a list of five things you can immediately change TODAY that will help you lose weight and make you a more likable individual.
Let me start by introducing you to the fitness term N.E.A.T - Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenisis. These are non exercise calorie burning activities like walking (non-exercise), standing up, laughing, etc. It's moving outside of a workout. Want to lose weight without going to the gym? Eat well and up your NEAT lifestyle.
1. Shopping Carts
I was at Fresh & Easy yesterday buying groceries. Unlike most Americans, I can food shop in under 25 minutes. That is because I "shop the perimeter". All the good stuff for you is on the outside. But that is another blog for later. What ticks me off is when I load the groceries in the car and notice all the shopping carts scattered throughout the parking lot. They are everywhere; in parking spots, on an island, in a bush. Take the 48 seconds to walk your lazy ass over to the stations and put the thing back. Bam, extra calories burned and I don't have to worry about chipping paint when pulling out of my spot.
2. Changing Rooms
Another thing that boils my blood is when you try something on at the department store and when it doesn't fit you throw it in a bin. There are a lot of issues here. The biggest is missing articles of clothing on the store floor. 9 times out of 10 when I am looking for a new pair of pants and they appear to be out out of my size, there are probably 3 pairs sitting in that bin back there. Again, walk back to the section and hang it back up. Boom, more calories burnt.
3. Elevators
Oh Mylanta, this one really gets to me. On the rare occasion that I do take an elevator, there usually is some lazy bastard that hits 2. When I see buttons 2-4 light up, I want to dope slap the person in front of me in the back of the neck with a wet hand. Ok, if you have a disability or taking the stairs is painful, than that is what an elevator is meant for. But if you're 40 lbs overweight with a newspaper and an energy drink in your hand, TAKE THE STAIRS! Taking the stairs is an awesome way to get a massive amount of cardio in over the course of a week if you work on the higher levels. Again, more calories burned.
4. Parking
Make it stop. Please, please, God please, make it stop. Why do you spend 15 minutes driving around a parking lot looking for the spot closest to the door? You have even gone to the extreme as to trail people leaving to get their spot. You know you look like a serial killer idling down the road following his next victim? How about parking in the last spot, getting some fresh air, enjoying the day God gave you and walk your butt into the store. And to prevent my head from popping off, I am not going to mention when this happens in the parking lot of a gym.
5. Big people with big dogs
Let me start by saying I LOVE MY DOG. To the point that it's a bit unhealthy. I have a tattoo of his paw for Pete's sake. But I just love dogs in general. I watch the Dog Whisperer, read Cesar Milan's book, and have even eaten dog food (was incredibly drunk). I hate seeing people overweight. It's my job and passion to prevent that and I genuinely get upset when I see big people and big children. So, when I see a big person at the dog park munching on food, sipping on a drink or playing with their iPhone, I cringe. Especially when the dog who is 15 lbs overweight comes waddling and panting. Don't give me, "they're a big breed" crap either. I have a lab and he's a stud. Because I feed him appropriately and get him exercise. So instead of taking your fat dog to the dog park where he usually waddles around sniffing poop and humping things, why don't you take him for a long walk; daily. Much more of a bonding experience between you and man's best friend and the both of you burn calories! Win-win!