Monday, February 20, 2012

Understanding Anabolic Windows

All to often people focus on their gym session to reach their goal only to experience delayed results. While training hard is very important, proper nutrition will dictate the physical change and time in which you get there.  Understanding your body’s anabolic windows is vital to capturing a speedy performance goal.

Anabolic Windows are simply times when your body’s natural state is primed for muscle building and fat burning due to changes in both insulin and hormone levels. Learn about the following anabolic windows and ways you can speed up your results:


When you first wake up your body has an elevated testosterone and growth hormone level that is a result of muscle building and repair done during sleep. As soon as you can, you want to fuel your body with a large meal consisting of fibrous carbohydrates, a lean protein and either a monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fat.  Stress on the carbohydrate because, in addition to elevated testosterone, your body has an elevated level of cortisol – a stressed induced hormone.  These carbohydrates will both block those hormones as well as fuel your body through most of the morning. 

The other – and most important – anabolic window is that of which surrounds your training. The timeline looks like this:


2-3 hours prior to your workout, eat a whole food meal with proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

30-45 minutes before, eat a small snack with simple carbohydrates (such as fruit), which will provide immediate blood sugar for energy and also will help suppress cortisol.  To compliment the blood sugar spike, you want to add a small protein, preferably a branch chain amino acid, which is consumed to supply the body with immediate building blocks.  Data supports that BCAA’s pre and during workout are optimal for muscle growth.


Throughout the workout you want to provide your body with some more glucose, electrolytes and BCAA’s. The amount depends on both your training intensity and goal. If you are training hard and trying to build muscle, all three are recommended. Weight loss goals can simply consume water or G2.  Again, fueling your body with a quick supply of glucose (for energy) and BCAA’s (for muscle growth) is beneficial.


Within 15-20 minutes eat a small snack with at least 2:1, up to 4:1, ratio of simple carbs to protein to maximize insulin response, protein absorption and protein synthesis.  The carbohydrates will elevate insulin levels, which will assists in the transportation and uptake of protein to begin the repair of muscle tissue that has been damaged during the workout.

90-120 following your workout, you want to aim for a complete meal consisting of a generous portion of fibrous carbohydrates, 20g of lean protein and a healthy mono/polyunsaturated fat.

Understanding and the body’s anabolic windows is equally important as understanding your training program’s reps, sets and weight variables, as it pertains to your goal. Take advantage of the windows and you will see faster results you deserve! 


  1. PJ - Good stuff, thanks for sharing. Hope everything is going well!

  2. What if you are working out in the morning. Should you eat a large meal when first waking up and then another after your workout to capture the two windows?
