Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Tips to conquer the infamous New Years Resolution!!!

If I had to put a number on the amount of people who picked 'lose weight' as their New Year's resolution, I'd bet %50. Maybe Vegas has that bet? And right about now the sales consultants at all the gyms are going bonkers.  Hey, if you are looking to get in shape, now isn't a terrible time because there are some good membership deals out there.

To help you get on track and to add value on your new membership, here are a few tips for starting a program.

1. Get a workout buddy

We train harder when we have a workout partner. It's our propensity. It is also very easy to say, "oh I'll go tomorrow." Then a month later and you're still talking to yourself. I have a training partner and I can tell you that when he's not around it is extremely difficult for me to train and train hard. We keep each other on track and push each other. Having a workout buddy will lessen your chances of skipping routine and you'll workouts will be intensified and enjoyable!

2. Have a program

Most people go into the gym and do not have a plan. They hop from machine to machine doing 10 reps and call it a day. A program needs to be specific and results driven.  Do some research on your goal (whether it's strength, weight loss, muscle gain, etc) and find programs that complement that. If you need help, email me.

3. Keep a workout journal

This is so underrated. If you went out of your way to educate yourself and find a program then you need to record what you do. How are you going to progress if you do not record what you're doing? Keeping a journal can help you identify workout routines you like, show improvements, and set goals. Also, it keeps you on track and focused in the weight room so you are not wasting time in there figuring what exercise to do next.

4. Perform a life-schedule budget

Just like a financial budget, you have fixed (uncontrollable) and variable (controllable) costs. In a life budget it's time. You have fixed times like your job, commute, religious commitment, etc. And you have variable time. Do a life a budget and find the most accommodating times you can workout. You have the ability to make it as forgiving as possible.

If your resolution is to improve your health then good luck! You have my support and feel free to email me if I can help!!!

Be Elite.

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