Friday, April 8, 2011

Seafood Cioppino - High Protein Poor Man's Soup

Today everyone gets a taste of a simple, yet delicious soup that anyone can afford and make. It's ingredients are incredibly healthy and offer an abundance of quality protein.  I got this recipe from my Uncle Joe out in Huntington Beach, CA. Our family likes to cook "italian peasant" dishes, which just means cooking damn good food with limited ingredients our leftovers. The best part, the average person will pay $15 a plate for it at a restaurant.

First, what is Seafood Cioppino? This dish was an italian fisherman's dish originated in San Fransisco. Basically the fisherman would chop up the seafood scraps they had and make a soup. Now, it is a delicacy in a lot of italian restaurants.

Cook Time: 25 minutes top

1 bag of frozen "Seafood Melody" (scallops, shrimp, octopus, clams and mussels)
4oz of fresh white fish cut into 4 pieces
3 cloves of garlic
1 tablespoon of shallots
1/2 white onion
2 cans of organic diced tomatoes
2 tablespoons of red wine
2 table spoons of extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon of chopped parsley
grated fresh parmesan reggiano
Rustic bread

In a large sauce pan, heat the olive oil on medium and add the garlic and shallots. Right before the gralic starts to brown, add the white fish and cook 1 minute on each side. Next add the defrosted bag off seafood melody and stir for 4 minutes. Occasionally flip the white fish.

Next add the chopped onion, diced tomatoes and red wine. Season with sea salt and black pepper and cover for 4 minutes.

Next, add the bread in the broiler to quickly char.

Remove the lid and add half of the grated parmesan cheese and half the parsley. Stir and cover another minute.

Serve the soup in a bowl with the crisp rustic bread and top it off the soup with some grated cheese and fresh parsley.

Serves 4+

A big bowl with 2 pieces of small bread < 450 calories. Over 20g of protein and about 10g of some of the best sources of fat you can get.

Eat Elite! 

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